Rick Littlefield Coming to a City Near You

Robin Hood Camp Director Rick Littlefield will once again be on the road starting next month to meet new and current campers and their families.

His Fall and early Winter U.S. itinerary appears below. If you would like him to drop by to say hello or meet your friends who are interested in learning more about Robin Hood, please send us an email to robinhood@robinhoodcamp.com.

Friday, Oct. 20-Sunday, Oct. 22 New York City/Greenwich
Saturday, November 4 New York City/ Greenwich
Sunday, November 5 New York City Camper Bowling/Ping Pong Reunion, 1-3pm, Lucky Strike Manhattan
Monday, Nov. 6-Tuesday, Nov. 7 New York City/Greenwich
Saturday, December 2- Monday, December 4 Miami
Friday, January 5 Greenwich
Saturday, January 6 Brooklyn/New York City
Sunday, January 7 New York City Skating Party, 11am-1pm, Wollman Rink
Monday, January 8 New York City/New Jersey
Tuesday, January 9 Boston


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