Campers In Transition (CIT)




Program Highlights

CIT-Only Activities: CITs will have the option to go on many CIT exclusive outings, including watching the sun rise from the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park; white water rafting “The Gorge,” go-carting, going to the Bangor State Fair, day trips, overnights and CIT solo expedition.

Rest Hour Freedom: CITs enjoy having almost every rest hour off to participate in sports – waterskiing, windsurfing, sailing, tennis, kayaking and mountain biking or visit with your friends. Three days a week CITs enjoy exclusive waterski/wakeboard/tubing time during rest hour!

Night Time Activity: Three or four nights a week, CITs will be out of camp! There will be outings to Bar Harbor, Ellsworth, Blue Hill, Bangor, and Acadia National Park where you might do anything from eating dinner and seeing a movie or going bowling, seeing the Great Maine Lumberjack Show or climbing Blue Hill Mountain at sunset. Other activities include playing miniature golf, a Beach Party at Sand Beach in Acadia National Park, riding go-carts, water slides, and getting away from camp to enjoy the camaraderie of the CIT group. Nights in camp include watching videos, playing ping-pong, or just hanging out with your friends.

Increased Responsibilities and Community Service Hours: The CIT program, while not primarily designed to be a counselor-training course, will give you opportunities to take on extra responsibilities. CITs earn a certificate of community service hours for unpaid work with younger campers two nights a week and with local Maine service projects. CITs will earn up to eight community service hours per week and gain valuable work experience. (The Junior Counselor (JC) training experience is a different program and reserved for those a minimum of age 16.)

CIT Program Details

• A four-week session length is highly recommended for CIT participants.
• The standard Registration Fee ($1,000) and tuition rates apply for CIT participants and a $200 per week Activities Fee will be added to CIT camper tuition to cover the out of camp excursions such as trips to the Bangor State Fair, outings to Bar Harbor, go-carts, and waterslides. In addition, spending money for these excursions average $100 per week, total.


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