Family resources

Here are a few fun and free family resources we hope can bring smiles during this tough time. If you have or come across any resources that you would like to share with your Robin Hood community, please email them to or post to the Robin Hooders Coming Together group.

Explore nature

San Diego Zoo website (just for kids)

Yellowstone National Park tour

Monterey Bay Aquarium live webcams

Canadian farm tours

Explore Mars

Explore the world

-Travel to Paris, France to see amazing works of art at The Louvre’s virtual field trip.

Great Wall of China virtual tour

-The British Museum allows virtual visitors to tour the Great Court and discover the ancient Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies.

Get reading and story resources

Audible (free while kids are out of school)

Save with Stories (Instagram)

Coming soon….

-To keep you active and connected to camp, we will be posting virtual activity lessons created by our talented Robin Hood staff!


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